Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I am so bad at this fitness blog stuff!

I promise I haven't fell off the wagon or even the face of the world. I am still continuing down the path of glory and fitness. I have decided to train for a half marathon! For someone who was never a long distance runner, this is quite the feat. I used to run in high school, but as a sprinter. I had what they call fast twitch muscle fibers. I am not having to train them to be slow twitch. It is a feat, let me tell you. But in 2 short months I have gone from running 3 miles in a 5k to running 12+ miles this week as my long run. I am pretty happy with that. I will try and keep this more updated.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Still around...

And still pushing through. New year came with 3 additional pounds but my clothes are not tighter. So I attribute the weight gain to hopefully some added muscle. My workouts have become "my time" and it's actually times I look forward to. I have my netflix ready and notes jotted down on exercises to do. I have accumulated enough that it has become a pick and chose which ones to do each workout. My workouts generally have a 8-16 minute warm up with 3-4 circuits done 3 times each, followed by a good stretch. My shortest workout is around 52 minutes and longest being right at 60 minutes so far. I recently had an idea to get all my exercise in one large list eventually, separated into types. I hope to add it to this blog all with example videos. This may be a growing list, because there are so many great exercises out there. A good circuit equips one cardio, arms, legs, and abs exercises. By the end of a workout you have equally worked your whole body.

So bare with me as I get this list going.