My journey thus far!

I was a pretty active child growing up. I was always on the petite side, both in stature and weight. I was known for being fast and once out ran my whole peewee baseball team full of boys, one at a time. I played basketball and softball and loved to run short distances really fast. I had a pretty good appetite and loved food. I remember eating other peoples pizza at lunch and being told one of these days it would catch up with me. For the most part it did, with the help of pregnancies and inactivity.

When I started my journey as a parent at the age of 20 (and just turning 20) I was shocked for the first time in my life to be out of shape and boy did I feel it. For some standards the 38 pounds I gained in pregnancy wasn't a lot, but for my 5'3" frame it felt like a 100. My son was around 16 months old before I decided to do something about it. I was in college and joined an aerobics class that kicked my butt and gave me the motivation I needed to lose all the baby weight. I stayed active throughout my next two pregnancies in the next 6 years and only gained 23 pounds with both of those. It was ideal and came off fairly quickly after each baby.

I joined Roller Derby soon after my third was born and that activity was not only good for me but was a awesome and fun way to get active. I played for several years until I got pregnant with my 4th child. Ironically enough I was just voted to be the Co Captain of our team. Nice timing. I stayed fairly active through that pregnancy as well but still managed to gain about 30 pounds with him. I played in one bout 3 months after his birth and then stepped away from derby for the time being due to my busy life. At this point I am about 20 pounds over where I would like to be, but I was still active and fit into most of my clothes so I didn't put in a lot of effort to get rid of that weight.

I then got pregnant with child #5 (and yes all of these were planned pregnancies). I was doing about the same through this pregnancy until midway when I was told baby girl was healthy but really small. No known reason was identified for her littleness and my midwife monitored me closely. I stepped back a bit on the activity, worried I might go overboard. I also stepped up my protein intake hoping that it might help with her weight gain. Well, little girl was born at 5 lbs. 4 oz at 39 weeks 6 days. This was my second home birth and it still went great and she was still very healthy, but small. Still no known reason. She has gained steadily and is 16 pounds at 8 months. Still seems small for 8 months but considering she has already tripled her weight, I say she is doing very well. In total I gained almost 40 pounds with her. Since only 5 of that was baby, I had a lot to lose. When I stepped on the scale at 6 weeks and realized that not much was coming off I was going to have to put in some more effort. I admit though I didn't jump on a treadmill and get going right then. I wanted to establish a good nursing supply for little one first. I waited until she was 4 months old before I got on the ball.

I wanted to find a program that I could do while I breastfed and honestly there is just not a lot out there that is suitable. I also wanted something that didn't cut out any specific food group. I like food and need something that is going to fit my family's lifestyle. I ended up joining WW online and have been following it since. I also pulled out all my at home workout video's and even ordered a few more. I have a propensity to get bored easily, so switching it up is a necessity. In total I use The Firm Wave, The Firm Express (great for quick effective workouts), Insanity, Slim n 6, Zumba, Windsor Pilates, and some 10 minute solution (carb killer is my fav). In total I have lost all the baby weight plus 10. So almost 50 pounds, 20 came off right away after baby. The other 30 I have had to lose the old fashioned way.

The more I lose the more focused I get. I have followed the plan every day and have tried to incorporate more and more weight training. The more I read the more I learn that it is necessary for optimal results. So if you are looking for a diet only blog, sorry this is not for you. I will advocate for weight training, and not with little 2 or 3 pound weights either. I use anywhere from 5-20 depending on the exercise. And most of what I do is utilized in combination with cardio. I am working up as well. I don't use machines, although I am not opposed to them. I just want something that I can utilize at home, therefore making it the best for my time and for my family. My childcare consists of my husband and I work out after dinner. Everyone has their own routine, this is mine. My goal for now is around 10-15 pounds or fitting into my skinny jeans, whichever comes first. After I will continue to work on shaping and toning. So no, there is no end in sight, this is not a "get on get off" kind of change. This is a lifestyle change. It's also about my families lifestyle and activity for children, per the name "My" Fit Mama.

Other changes we have made... Husband and I have cut out all soda's/pop since our youngest was born. The littles (oldest 3) are only allowed on special occasions. I drink decaf coffee since my youngest has a reaction when I drink caffeine. I actually don't miss it. I limit my sweeteners to stevia and sugar in the raw. Yes sugar, I still partake on occasion. I believe in the 90/10 mantra. 90% of ones diet needs to come from healthy foods and the other 10% is our treats. I am a work in progress and no telling how things will change as things progress. But for now, this is how I do things.

I actually feel kind of guilty that I didn't take many pics of myself at my heaviest. So I don't have a lot to compare to. But these are what I have.

Soon after little one was born.

My last picture taken before she was born.

And thanks to my mom there is this picture. Thanks mom... not! I had actually already started and lost 8 pounds before this, so this isn't even my worst. 

And 7 months postpartum.

9 months pp.

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